Wednesday 9 December 2009

annotated pravda: Lightning Can Open Doors to Parallel Worlds

It's been a while since I annotated any Pravda. It's not because Pravda isn't worth annotating:
Approximately 10 years ago, children began to disappear from an amusement park of the British town of Kent. The kids would enter the hall of mirrors and never came out.
The only thing I think unlikely about this is that I don't think there is a British town called Kent. There may be. I bet it doesn't have an amusement park. My guess is: Dickens World in Chatham. It has a haunted house.
The local police ran off their legs
It's a nightmare when that happens
Recently, a psychic lady announced that she knew where the kids were. According to her, there was a door to the other world behind one of the mirrors in the amusement park
According to her
We live in a 3-D space where everything is measured by height, width and length, and we are only capable of thinking within these limits
We are so stupid. It is lucky we have psychic ladies to tell us where the children have gone
We know that one dimension is an endless straight line. We can easily imagine two dimensions
But we have to imagine, that is the only way
– a subspace, or plain surface, and we can see three usual dimensions around. Yet, even academic science acknowledges that there are more dimensions out there
Even though academic science is the most crappy kind
There is the so-called “string theory” popular in contemporary physics. It is very difficult to understand
Says you
but it admits the existence of other dimensions. “There can be up to 26 dimensions, but they are sort of folded
Sort of
so we cannot see them. We have not managed to find them through experiments either,” explained Aleksey Basilevich, Doctor of Physics
Why not? What do they teach Doctors of Physics? Even I can tell from this article that if the dimensions are sort of folded, all you have to do is sort of unfold them
If the fourth and other dimensions exist, where do they lead?
Chatham, Kent?
They lead to the place that we normally call the parallel world
Chatham, Kent
It is easy to imagine
I know! I've already done it!
Imagine you live in a two-dimensional subspace, and you have no idea that this space crosses an endless number of other subspaces. At some of the crossing lines your two-dimensional figure can accidentally penetrate another space. The same is true for parallel worlds
This is a picture of Chatham, Kent:

In 1931, Charles Fort, American researcher, introduced the term “teleportation spaces.”
Probably you assume that this means Charles Fort was a Doctor of Physics. However, you may be more familiar with his name via The Fortean Times, the journal which bears his name, or his short story, 'The Giant, the Insect and The Philanthropic-looking Old Gentleman'. Probably the former.
These were areas where sudden teleportation was possible and where the “doors” to parallel worlds open
Said Fort.
According to various versions, these are the places where UFOs, goblins, ghosts and other creatures come from
According to various versions
But if the doors open, it is not ruled out that it is possible to enter the other side
Proponents of anomalies are convinced that thousands of missing people could be found in the parallel world. There are plenty of witnesses who allegedly traveled to other worlds. It is everyone’s personal business whether these people are to be trusted
Yes. I'm about fifty-fifty on it at the moment
Tatyana Faminskaya, a UFO researcher, said that she experienced teleportation twice in one of Moscow anomalous zones
Ok, I am veering towards belief. After all, she is a researcher
She could not feel the process of teleportation, but she would find herself in a place with a different landscape
Oh. Now I'm veering back again. Surely you would feel SOMETHING
Another story was told by Lidia Nikolaeva from Novy Byt village
I once went for a walk near Novy Byt village with a beautiful girl called Lidia Nikolaeva. Probably a coincidence. We were picking mushrooms
She said that she was picking mushrooms in a forest and felt a slight jab in her heart
Wait a second! I asked this Lidia to marry me. I wonder if she has made up this alien worlds story as some kind of sublimation out of regret at having turned me down?
She immediately found herself at a deserted church, 3.3 miles from the place she was before
The church where we would have got married
Faminskaya believes that teleportation is possible because of cracks in Earth crust that make the reality unstable
I think Lidia is unstable. You might think I should go back, since she obviously regrets it so much, but she had her chance
“Doors” to the parallel world can be open by lightning since it has enormous energy
Makes sense. Thank God we are back in the world of hard science
Irina Tsareva, a member of “Phenomenon” committee that studies anomalies, told the following story. Once, three friends went fishing near Saint Petersburg. On the way, their car was hit by a lightning, went into a ditch and hit a pine tree. The friends noticed a village house near the road that they have not seen before. An old lady who lived in the house let them in, and fed them dinner. At night, they laid on the floor. When the friends woke up in the morning, they were lying on grass and there was no house nearby. Their crashed car was found under the same tree
This is the most incredible story I have ever read! I almost wouldn't believe it but Irina Tsareva is on a committee, and surely they must have all talked it through
“There were many cases when people encountered invisible obstacles that felt like transparent walls. In old times such places were called devil’s spots
For which: use God's Clearasil
In Russia they can be found near the city of Tula, on the bank of the Upa River. People say that some encountered dense air pockets, and those who dared step inside of them never came back,” says Vadim Chebrov, coordinator of “Cosmopoisk” scientific society
A scientific society! (Do you mind that I keep making the same joke)
Meanwhile, scientists still hope that they can implement teleportation in reality. Konstantin Leshan , editor of a scientific journal, has no doubts that the process can be very useful
It would be
“Teleportation has the highest known speed
Faster even than hope, bad news or an arrow through my heart when I have an armful of mushrooms and Lidia Nikolaeva is refusing my hand
It will change our planet. Teleportation does not require oil
Well, depends. I am not sure we can say that for certain until we know what the technology is. We are assuming that it needs no power, and I am not sure about that
Number of planes, cars and train can be significantly reduced, and the ecology will be better
That's great. I really want the ecology to be better
The more scientists are involved, the faster we will create a teleporting device
Can't argue with that
Obviously, such a development requires money. Maybe world scientific community should chip in the same way they chipped in for the Large Hadron Collider

The sign off tag from Pravda is: Arguments and Facts

1 comment:

slepkane said...

"Chip in for a large hadron collider" is my favourite phrase of today!

Still, are more things in Heaven and Earth... Why for example the house I've moved into has, in its bathroom, a book documenting the extraordinary effects of wrapping written compliments around vials of water. Prepare to believe:
