Thursday 12 February 2009

been a while since we had any wodehouse

Early on in Uncle Dynamite, Lord Ickenham (my favourite Wodehouse character, as I dare say I have mentioned) is trying to urge his nephew Pongo Twistleton into the arms of Sally Painter, who Lord I thinks is brilliant. Pongo says:
'Aren't you overlooking the trifling fact that I happen to be engaged to Hermione?'
'Slide out of it.'
'It is what your best friends would advise. You are a moody, introspective young man, all too prone to look on the dark side of things. I shall never forget you that day at the dog races. Sombre is the only word to describe your attitude as the cop's fingers closed on your coat collar. You reminded me of Hamlet. What you need is jolly, lively wife to take you out of yourself, the sort of wife who would set booby traps for the Bishop when he came to spend the night. I don't suppose this Hermione Bostock of yours ever made so much as an apple-pie bed in her life. I'd give her a miss. Send her an affectionate telegram saying you've changed your mind and it's all off. I have a telegraph form in my study.'


jondrytay said...

Have you ever seen the Giles Havergal stage adaptation of 'Summer Lightning'? They did it in Pitlochry when I was there a couple of years ago. Really lovely adaptation which wisely leaves as much of the narrative intact as possible.

Anyway, they're doing it in Keswick this year, should you find yourself in the Lakes at any point.

Robert Hudson said...

Haven't seen it. Would like to. Will do if I'm passing through Keswick. Might get hold of a copy before then, since in an ideal world we will be workshopping Damsel again at some point. Yo.