Friday 2 January 2009

last kid on the block

Finally watched Outnumbered for the first time just now. Yes, it is good. But then at the end comes the astonishing news that the older boy is played by Tyger Drew-Honey. Poor child, I think to myself, and look on Wikipedia, because obviously all child actors have slightly odd upbringings, but if you are called Tyger Drew-Honey, there is an extra level of oddness in how everyone is going to relate to you. And then, as you all already know so literally why am I writing this, I find his parents are porn stars and I think, well, normality was always going to be a very long way away for this child, and Tyger Drew-Honey is the least issue he is going to face.

(None of which is to say that you can't be brought up by porn stars as a child actor and not be the extremely well-adjusted scion of a loving home, or that any upbringing is normal, blah, but simply that Tyger Drew-Honey's background is from one of the tinnier parts of the bell-curve.)

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